
Showing posts from July, 2022


  An Explanation of Lutheran Worship: For the Lutheran who asks the Meaning of the Beautiful Liturgy of His church

Virtue and Virtue-Signaling

  Ignore the title on the YouTube video. This is a fantastic talk on the part of piety in the life of the Christian and the failure of a virtue-signaling Christian father who says "abortion is wrong" and goes to church most Sundays but fails to teach his children the Bible, fails to normalize theological discussion, only has two kids so he can live a financially comfortable life and watches fornication on TV. The father is virtue signaling piety but by his actions is teaching his children the values that will teach them that comfort for the mother and security for the mother and pleasure of the mother justifies abortion. His actions will trump his words. We learn Christian virtue by seeing Christan virtue lived out among us. Fantastic. Please support Luther Classical College!

Except in the matter of Uriah the Hittite

King David handing the Letter to Uriah the Hittite by Pieter Lastman "David did what was right in the eyes of the LORD and did not turn aside from anything that he commanded him all the days of his life, except in the matter of Uriah the Hittite." - 1 Kings 15:5 The issue of David raping Bathsheba (see previous post: Bathsheba's #MeToo Moment ) has resurfaced again with an excellent perspective provided by Mr. Matthew Cochran:  “David Raped” is a Camel’s Nose  with an eye specifically at the issue of feminism: But once you eisegete faulty feminist assumptions into the text, the only conclusion is that for 2000 years, the Church couldn’t be bothered to notice something as heinous as rape. All those “church fathers” were so divorced from the plight of women that even rape was beneath their concern. This (totally invented) problem requires an obvious solution: we need more women to pose as theologians and leaders to address the unique concerns of our sisters in Christ! And s...

Where the Rubber meets the Road

  Cross Defense — God Revealed the Definition of Woman - KFUO Radio Another fantastic episode by the Rev. Tyrel Bramwell digging into why Lutherans must engage with culture.

Quite Dainty...

This is bound to get some panties in a bunch...  From The Crown Jewel of Germany, Doctor of the Church, Second Martin, Author of the Formula of Concord, Examination of the Council of Trent Volumes I, II, III, and IV, Two Natures in Christ, The Epistle to the Hebrews, The Lord's Supper, the Enchiridion, Church Order, the Lord's Prayer, Loci Theologi Volumes I, II, and III, Opponent of Lindanus, Andrada, Pighius, the Papacy, and Zwingli, Calvin, and the Anabaptists. St. Fr. Rev. Reformer Churchman Professor Confessor Theologian Philosopher Martin Chemnitz The Apostolic His Holiness The Great and Wise (Peace Be Upon Him) (Gone to experience beatific vision, will return in glory at the Resurrection to oversee all theologians). Martin Chemnitz sharply criticized the 15th Century Roman Catholic theologians for giving in to this notion that Christians may not wish to drink from the same cup as their fellow Christians. One reason why the Council of Constance (1414-1418) chose to withho...

Schaller on Lutheran worship

"The first care, then, of all who work in the field of English Mission, pastors and laymen alike, ought ever to be that they steadfastly adhere to the biblical doctrine in all its parts. Lutheran hymns, Lutheran liturgies, Lutheran prayers, above all Lutheran sermons ought to be heard wherever our missionary work is carried on. True Lutheranism need not fear any criticism. It has stood the test of centuries, and no modern weapon of offense will subvert it. It is an impregnable fortress. Be not afraid, then, to show its beauties to all who come to hear. They expect to be treated to something new in our churches, and they ought not be disappointed. To follow the example set by sectarian clergymen, to sermonize on anything else rather than upon questions of doctrine, or to fill the hearers’ ears with weak generalizations and pasture them on fine, poetic language alone, would be worse than folly. To make a good impression, to effect some real, living good, solid meat must be offered, ...

Scaer: On Atonement

  "Once we say that Christ had to be obedient to the law, then we have to admit that the law matters, as does the Christian life. But if we say that the word of promise supersedes the law, then any discussion of the law or of Christian life becomes unimportant, secondary at best. Any exhortation to help our unborn neighbor, to defend marriage for the sake of children, or to speak out for confused children who are given puberty blockers and hormone treatment leading to disfiguring surgery is relegated to the place of the now defunct law. In an age of lawlessness, a lawless Savior is appealing. We can say with Forde and Paulson that like Christ, we care not so much for God’s law, but for his will, which is indeed a convenient place to be." - Rev. Peter J. Scaer, Reckoned among the Lawless,  CTQ 84:3-4, July/October 2020.

Homeschool your kids

Public school is child abuse.  Private school isn't much better.  Make the sacrifice and give your kids the best gift you can give them - your presence and your faith. 

John 6 is Eucharistic: The Thursday after Holy Trinity in the Magdeburg Daily Lectionary

On the Thursday after Holy Trinity… — Gottesdienst An interesting dive into the liturgical practice of the Lutherans at Magdeburg as documented in their  daily lectionary published in 1613. The Thursday after Holy Trinity was focused on the Eucharist. The reading, you ask? The Gospel assigned in John 6:55-58! Wait, I thought that John 6… Oh, well, never mind.