The Evangelical Lutheran Breviary


Evangelical Lutheran Breviary - buy at

I've had my copy for a little less than a week so this is an initial impression.

First - the quality is excellent, Caleb did a great job with the typesetting and formatting. The hardcover has a dust jacket with the ELH logo and under the dust jacket is a simply labeled spine.

(a much better job that NPH did on their print-on-demand Volumes 1 & 2 of Adolf Hoenecke's Evangelical Lutheran Dogmatics. On the right is a traditionally published volume in 1999, on the left the print-on-demand from 2009.)

The Table of Contents:

Following the table of contents is a brief description of how to use the offices, explaining the liturgical elements and the use of the psalter and Propers. Then follows the four offices (note that if there is a bracketed page number, this is where you can locate the office in the Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal), a section of prayers (the Litany, Prayers for the Sick and Dying, and The Suffrages) followed by several Psalter calendars, a daily lectionary, and then all 150 Psalms with tones and gloria printed on each page making for easy use. In addition to the Psalms are several other Biblical prayers including the Song of Hannah, Song of Hezekiah and the Song of Moses.

Then follow the Propers for weekdays and then for seasons, and finally for the saints.

I am looking forward to using this - previously I had used CPH's "PrayNow" app because it was convenient to have everything in one place when I was working on site and traveling but now my work is mostly from home and screens are the devil, so I look forward to using this instead! 

All in all, a very nice volume. Thank you Vicar Strutz! 
