Two questions to ask about Pronouns


Rev. David Thompson (ELS), the Director of the Center for Apologetics and Worldviews, was On the Line with Rev. Bryan Stecker (LCMS). Let me note that On the Line is quickly becoming a favorite podcast for me, I enjoy the long-form content, and the guests have been on the whole quite interesting.

A few months back we talked about Pastor Mike Novotny's (WELS) pronoun equivocation. I spilled a bit of ink focusing on the Biblical aspects of truth and love. WELS Southerner chimed in with his southern charm. Rev. Tyrel Bramwell (LCMS) spent an entire episode of Truth at All Costs, eviscerating Novotny's argument bringing broad swaths of Scripture to bear.

Rev. Thompson quickly and simply cuts to the heart of the matter:

"I think we ask ourselves two questions. Number one, is it true that he is a she? The answer is no it's not true, you know God has made that very clear - biology, chemistry, history has made it quite clear. The second question is this: when are we allowed to affirm a lie? When are we allowed to contradict what God has said? I think the answer is quite clear. Now maybe some would say I'm oversimplifying things but if we can't draw the line there where can we draw the line?"

Nailed it! Thank you, Pastor Thompson!
