Ten Reasons for Wearing
a Clerical Collar
1. You won't be mistaken for a Baptist preacher anymore. (But please, do something about that preaching!)
2. You won’t be mistaken for a Thrivent agent anymore. (But please, do something about that preaching!)
3. Black is slimming.
4. Sunday visitors will know who the Minister is.
5. You might get free stuff.
6. You'll never again get an ugly tie for Christmas.
7. Real men wear black.
8. It clears a hospital room so you can get down to business.
9. Guys who don't drink usually don't wear collars, and you should never trust anyone who doesn't drink.
10. You won't be tempted to make gesticulations at those lousy drivers on the freeway. (OK, OK, we're back to nine reasons.) §
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