Critical Theories - Sunday, August 13, 2023. - YouTube An excellent presentation by Rev. Andy Mueller at Beautiful Savior, Las Vegas (WELS). You should really watch the whole thing, but I'll pick off some of the high points. Rev. Mueller starts by correctly identifying Critical Theory as being spiritual and not simply political. "Critical Theory is an ideology: that is, it is a belief system. It is a false religion which views everyone and everything through the lens of oppressor and oppressed. It is a false theology hidden in plain sight, conspicuous within domestic, academic, civic, economic, biologic and anatomic (in other words, health care) and sadly even sacred arenas." In further defending his view, Rev. Mueller articulates clearly that overlapping with politics does not make something purely political (and thus - to some Lutherans - do be dismissed as solely dealing with the left-hand kingdom). He also points out how several of their luminaries, including Antonio...